i'm currently in the midst of an art project. i'm painting on the front of 2 medicine cabinets. the lady said she wants them to look like paintings. so here goes...
there is a considerable need for confidence when you're an artist. someone may ask if you are capable of doing a project for them, and you have to do look them dead in the eye and say "of course" even if you've never done it before... even if you're not sure you can do it. yup... you have to trust your ability enough to be able to say "yes", even when your insecurities are screaming "um... i don't know... geee, i've never done that before..."
it's also necessary to have boldness. you have to be able to stand your ground and ask for more money than they may want to pay, explaining to them that a painting of such a size is worth this because of: time, materials, your brilliance, and of course, because its going to be worth much more after you've become famous.
all this being said, i had the confidence to say "of course i can paint your medicine cabinets.." but should have asked for a bit more for the project, considering i just spent $30 on supplies. sigh. oh well. another lesson, an interesting project, AND i got to learn about water based polyurethanes wooo
while i was at home depot, i bought an orange pansy... i told the cashier that it needed me. she said it was cute.
i bought valentines stuff at michaels crafts, went there for more yellow oxide colored paint. all of the valentines day leftovers were 90% off... i couldn't help myself. maybe next year i'll have a picture to go in the red and pink enamel heart frame that i only paid 90 cents for.
got home from shopping and immediately re-potted the pansy, while i was at it, i decided to re-pot the basil plant that's been struggling all winter. hopefully it will be happier when it goes outside. i cannot wait til it starts to get warmer. someone told me its going to be in the low 60s on sunday. oh happy happy day!
i've been babysitting a 3 year old boy for the past 3 weeks. it's been a fun adventure, i find my thoughts are more child like because of it, which is a great thing. he got new shoes. they were going to throw out the shoe box, but i snagged it. for some reason it beckoned me to do something with it. i plan on decorating it, but i don't know yet what will go inside. it feels like it should contain valentines, despite the fact that the holiday has long since past (and that when it IS valentines day i despise it altogether), and st patricks day is approaching. oh what to put in the little shoe box... i'm sure i'll come up with something eventually.